The ovarian stimulation has been applied in order to increase the number of oocytes to compensate for the poor results of in\nvitro fertilization, allowing the selection of one or more embryos to be transferred. Our aim is to compare the results obtained in\nIVF/ICSI cycles using the short protocol for controlled ovarian stimulation to the results from the modified mild protocol used in\nour department. A total of 240 cycles were conducted from January 2010 to December 2011. When comparing both protocols, it\ncould be observed that there was a significant difference in the quantity of gonadotropins doses in the mild protocol and in the short\nprotocol. No significant difference was observed regarding pregnancy rates per cycle, 22% and 26.2%, in short and mild protocols,\nrespectively. The protocols of controlled ovarian stimulation are often associated with high risk of complications such as ovarian\nhyperstimulation syndrome, excessive emotional stress, high rates of treatment dropouts, and abdominal discomfort.With the data\nobtained in this study, one can conclude that there are less risks and complications for the patient when using the mild stimulation\nprotocol. It was also observed that in this group there was a slightly higher rate.